The founder of the innovative, Italian gastronomy concept „Eataly“ commissioned the Culinary Consultants in the course of the European expansion. Eataly offers the best Italian, handcrafted produced specialities as articles for sale but also prepared in different theme restaurants. Besides, the concept also comprises a school, which teaches further information about the background and preparation options of products. The culinary consultants played an essential role in choosing Munich as the first location outside of Italy. The consultants provided their expertise for the mediation of the location in Munich, the Schrannenhalle at the Viktualienmarkt. Also after the opening, the project was accompanied, whereby the way and access to the German market was paved. As examples the identification of possible operative partners, the choice of high quality producers, distributors and suppliers can be named. Today, Eataly Munich counts to the most successful locations that is attracting not only tourists but also the locals.
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